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Posts in General Awareness

How Filters (like "The Guest Filter") Improve Workplace Communication

Filters and CommunicationAs the workforce continues to grow and diversify—spanning different ages, backgrounds, values, and communication styles—the potential for conflict, divisiveness, and alienation of others increases. The ability to use "filters" is one way to maintain a respectful, inclusive workplace.

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Showing Appreciation - Training Activity

appreciation-thumbHelping people gain insight into the importance of being appreciative and showing appreciation can benefit both the employee and the organization. This training activity helps build awareness is this area.

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Moment of Truth: Online Ethics Quiz

Ethics Quiz ThumbThis short ethics quiz provides a snapshot that gives you a sense of how much your everyday decision-making is motivated by being honest and fair.

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How to Beat Distraction and Make the Most of Virtual Meetings (infographic)

DR DVirtual meetings and conference calls bring many benefits...and one major drawback -- distraction. This blog post and downloadable infographic provide 10 strategies for beating distraction and remaining focused.

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The Science of Storytelling: How Storytelling Shapes Our Behavior

storytelling-dog-2When we hear or read a word, hundreds of signals activate the visual, auditory, and language-processing regions of our brains in a matter of milliseconds. They tap into our working memory, long-term memory, and even our subconscious to give things meaning. Considering all these responses are elicited by a single word, imagine what your brain looks like while processing an entire story.

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Build a Culture of Accountability: A 4-Step Strategy for L&D


“I am accountable” is a statement many people make with satisfaction, pride, and a sense of strength and accomplishment. It’s also one that many learning professionals would like to hear more often in their organizations.
This post outlines accountability's many benefits (to individuals and organizations) and presents L&D with a 4-step strategy for building accountability organization-wide.

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The Empathy Quadrant Worksheet

EQ Worksheet_thumbAt one time or another, you or your employees will face conflict. When it happens, successful resolution will most likely require some kind of face-to-face meeting.

What is the best way to prepare for a conflict meeting like this? What can be done to set the right tone and show that you have come prepared to find a win/win solution? One idea is to use an Empathy Quadrant.

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The Sad State of Soft Skills and How L&D Can Fix It

soft skills thumbIn this age of emphasis on education in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and math), research by LinkedIn, Google, Deloitte, and other organizations confirms what learning and business professionals know well: that technical capabilities are only part of the picture when it comes to business success.

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(Infographic) Myth-Busting the Modern Learner: Characteristics of Today's Workforce & How to Meet Their Learning Needs

modern-thumbToday’s workforce spans five generations—each with their own distinct learning style. While there’s a plethora of research breaking down each generation and their respective learning styles, it’s important to recognize cross-generational similarities. This infographic shows common characteristics and preferences of the modern learner (regardless of age).

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The 5 Conflict Management Styles: Which One Are You? [Quiz]

conflict quiz thumb 2Conflict is inevitable—which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Without conflict, there would be no diversity of thought, no pushing the boundaries, no intellectual debates.  However, it’s important to approach conflict constructively to achieve optimal results for all parties involved. Get a snapshot of how you approach conflict with this short quiz.

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