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Impressions Count: An Introduction to Workplace Etiquette and Communication
Program length: 18:00

Impressions Count takes you into the life of Peta; an experienced administrator who has been interviewed for a position at a prestigious museum. The president believes she is perfect for the position and is excited about her joining the team. Before accepting the job, Peta wants to spend a day at the museum getting to know the people who work there. The rest of the team willingly accept the task of giving Peta a guided tour of their work environment. 

The day after her tour, Peta declines the position. What went wrong? The team meets for a serious debrief on how Peta’s day at the museum progressed. Impressions Count follows the team's experiences and gives each of them a second chance to correct the behavior that led to her decision. Once the team learns a few important tips on business etiquette, the impression they give Peta is a positive one-- leaving us to believe she will accept the position after all. 

Participants will learn and be able to practice:

  • The importance of introductions
  • The value of being interested in other people
  • The value of being considerate of other people’s feelings
  • The need to own-up when you’ve done something wrong
  • How to make and receive apologies
  • How to keep a conversation flowing
  • The importance of basic manners and niceties
  • Some basic email etiquette

Languages Available: English

Distributed by Media Partners/An Our Bizniss Production

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Impressions Count: An Introduction to Workplace Etiquette and Communication
reviewed by 0 people