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A Grander Goal
Program length: 11:00

Sometimes the lessons we most need to learn are found half a world away, in lands far different from our own. A Grander Goal brings to bear that which is at once the simplest and most complex: Love and Forgiveness. It is a striking look at character illustrated by one man's unselfish desire to be a role model. His name is Stone.

Once a star member of Uganda's professional soccer team, Stone's career ended abruptly after a knee injury intentionally inflicted on him by another player. But, Stone holds no bitterness. He simply tells his opponent, "You did what you had to". It is this selfless forgiveness that permeates all he does and sets the stage for the boys he mentors to learn important lessons about their lives and choices.

A Grander Goal is part of Stephen Covey's Lessons in Leadership 4-Part Series Set. For more information on the complete series and other titles in the set, please click here.

Languages Available: English

Produced by FranklinCovey. Master-distributed by CRM Learning/Media Partners

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