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Posts by Michele Eby

Building a Culture of Respect

Respect thumbA respectful workplace is imperative to achieving high levels of employee morale and allows for productivity to grow.

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5 Common Employee Sidetracks and How to Manage Them

Employee DistractionsThumbDealing with performance issues and poor work habits may come with a manager's job, but it’s never fun. And, it’s even more challenging when the discussion gets derailed by employee "sidetracks." 

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6 Ways to Engage Disengaged Millennials

engaged_thumbnailWhat can you do to engage your millennials and provide them with the continuous learning they desire? Here are 6 research-backed tips.

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12 Steps to Coach Your Team to Success

12StepCoach ThumbAs a coach, it's up to you to help your team members step out of their comfort zone and stretch beyond their capabilities. It's your job to inspire them to work harder and more effectively than they've ever done before.

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Harassment Free Holidays

Harassment Free Holiday ThumbSnowflakes, wreaths, family dinners, gift baskets and company parties…it’s beginning to look a lot like the holiday season. Because we have more opportunities to socialize in the office, there are also more opportunities for potential misunderstanding – and harassment – in the workplace.

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7 Ways to Keep Your Promises and Build Customer Trust

customer bell thumbI was driving on the highway the other day and noticed the billboard advertisement had changed. Facing me and all the other motorists who drive that stretch of the road was a mouth-watering display of fine dining: an elegant dinner spread out on a table covered in a white tablecloth. The words “Room Service” were written along the bottom.

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5 Fool-proof Ways to Become the Boss You’ve Always Hated

Mean Boss ThumbYou’re a manager. You may not have the coveted corner office; you may not even have an office at all, but you’re on your way. You’re a leader. You have a team of employees. When you speak they listen. When you say, “jump!” they ask, “how high?” Or so the saying goes.

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Retail Customer Service: 8 Ways to Reduce Customer Stress

Reasons Customers Leave 160x120Recently I was reading the USA Today and a Snapshots® graph about shopping stress caught my eye. Shopping stress? I suppose I might feel stressed if I blew my budget or if I waited until an hour before a party to go shopping for a gift.

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Customers Have the Last Word: 5 Reasons Customers Leave

Customer Stress 160x120Perception is Reality.  Are your customers perceiving excellent customer service? I have always found the saying “perception is reality” to be subtly profound. Not profound like a thought-provoking, life-changing revelation. But, profound in the sense that the essence of those three words explains so many things.

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Customer Service Commitment: An Experience and an Assessment

Customer Service Commitment ThumbIt’s rare that I go to a restaurant that provides pagers to accommodate its wait-times. You see I’m just not that patient. It’s also been my experience that when customers are waiting, some restaurant staffs take their seated guests for granted.

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