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Posts in Technology

Infographic - Getting Real about Bias, Diversity, Harassment & Bullying

HWYD_Infograph2_thumbHere's a recently revised, research-based infographic that contains important statistics on bias, diversity, harassment and bullying.  Use the information to help make improvements in your workplace... and feel free to share the link with others.

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Explore Frontline Insurance’s Powerful Training Outcomes in New Case Study from Media Partners

Frontline Ins Case Study_thumbFrom Customer Service to a Culture of Respect. This case study shows how Frontline Insurance found and used Media Partners products that were engaging and got the learning points across to their people. Read the story that includes the company’s use of measurement and feedback to augment training and strengthen employee performance. 

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The 5 Love Languages At Work

5 Love Languages_giftsEmployee Appreciation -- it's what every employee wants, and what every manager and team leader needs to show. See how The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace can help managers take the right approach.

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How to Handle Those Pesky Time Thieves - Time Management for Managers

MM thievesManagers face 50-60 interruptions a day. In the moment, it can feel like it's best to handle each distraction as it comes up  But, at the end of day, this strategy adds up to a LOT of lost time. See what managers can do to avoid this pesky time thief

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Respectful Workplace Training | Everything You Need to Know (and more)

RW Pillar_thumbA workplace characterized by trust and the respectful treatment of all employees provides powerful support for job satisfaction and employee engagement. This comprehensive post provides a thorough explanation of what a Respectful Workplace is, statistics on the link between respect and business results, and best practices for respectful workplace training.

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7 Tips for Overcoming Resistance to Sexual Harassment Training

7 Tips Overcome SH Chall_resistantSelecting and delivering engaging and meaningful sexual harassment prevention training can be a daunting task, considering the challenges associated with the topic. Here are 7 Tips for overcoming the three biggest challenges.

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Ethical Choices: Knowing How to Handle a “Moment of Truth”

Ethical Choices_diceMost people know the difference between right and wrong. They know the difference between telling the truth and telling a lie. And they can explain why honesty and integrity are important. This video clip show what to do when faced with those moments of truth, or ethical dilemmas.

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Media Partners Survey: Leaders and Their Skills Top 2020 Organizational Training Priorities

SS Survey1-20_thumbA Media Partners survey of Learning & Development Professionals asked about their top-of-mind training topics for the year ahead, and we found that attention is solidly focused on the skills leaders need along with competencies that drive organizational success. See the results.

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Solving the Workplace Violence Prevention Puzzle through Effective Training

WPV Infographic as blog_puzzle thumbThe components of effective Workplace Violence (WPV) Prevention include Awareness, Recognition, Prepared Employees, Action, and an Empathic Culture. Learn more about them in this post, and see the difference effective WPV Prevention and Response training can make.

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(eBook) The Sad State of Soft Skills | Tips & Takeaways for Addressing the Gap

SoftSkillseBookHere's an eBook no L&D professional should be without. It provides a great overview of what soft skills are, which ones are most in-demand today, and how to find effective soft skills training.

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