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Posts in Human Resources

Content is Crucial: “Furnish” Your LMS Room-by-Room

Content Crucial 2_furniture thumb 2Like a new house, an LMS is a big purchase. It’s important to take the time to consider how you will furnish it. In Part 2 of our Content is Crucial Series we explore how quality content matters. 

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Bystander is a Verb

Bystander is a Verb_thumbYou’ve probably heard of bystander intervention, but do you know what it means to put it into practice? Here are some guidelines you can follow.

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Soft Skills … by any other name

Learning Disruptions ThumbThe whole idea of calling a certain set of skills “soft” or “hard” is  problematic, as evidenced by the number of our customers who comment about how much they wish there was another term for "soft skills". It turns out that the term originated with the military, specifically the U.S. Army.

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Results You Can See: Behavior Changes Associated with Top Media Partners Films

how was you day - blind auditionMedia Partners is known for engaging content that leads to changed behavior.  Here are 5 examples in the areas of customer service, accountability, respectful workplace, decision making and sexual harassment prevention.

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At-a-Glance Guide to Education Top-Sellers

Edu Best Sell_thumbFor years, Media Partners has provided top-quality learning content to schools, colleges & universities, and trade schools. Here are the soft skills and compliance training programs we recommend, and currently on our Education Best-sellers list.

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Content is Crucial: Don’t Make This Mis-Steak

QualityThumbA great learning experience is achieved when the learner has been moved to change their behavior. In Part 1 of our Content is Crucial Series we explore the "quality vs quantity" issue and how to balance the need for cost effective and convenient content libraries with the need for quality content that increases engagement and retention.

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Media Partners Research Suggests Many Organizations May Be Overlooking Workplace Violence Prevention Programs

WPV Survey_blog thumb-revWith ongoing reports of active shooters and other incidents in workplaces nationwide, we asked our customers their plans for Workplace Violence Prevention and Response. And the results are in. Our July 2019 Pulse Survey found that organizations are divided when it comes to Workplace Violence (WPV) Prevention programs.  

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Speaking From Experience: Why Managers Need Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

OFA Manager 3When employees approach their manager with a sexual harassment complaint, it's critically important that the manager know how to handle the situation properly. This article gives several reasons why manager-specific sexual harassment prevention training should be a strategic imperative in today's organizations.

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Media Partners Research Finds 5 Key Influences on Employee Experience

Host_3 Key Infl blog_2How do we make time at work the best it can be for employees? That’s the question that motivated a recent Media Partners’pulse survey. We asked HR, L&D, and business pros which of 8 major organizational factors they feel are most important when it comes to positively affecting the employee experience. 

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The Science of Storytelling: How Storytelling Shapes Our Behavior

storytelling-dog-2When we hear or read a word, hundreds of signals activate the visual, auditory, and language-processing regions of our brains in a matter of milliseconds. They tap into our working memory, long-term memory, and even our subconscious to give things meaning. Considering all these responses are elicited by a single word, imagine what your brain looks like while processing an entire story.

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